Member Validations

Smiling couple standing back to back giving thumbs up sign

We know our members want to be confident that the person behind the profile is real. That's why the Match Maker websites were the first to push Profile Verification. We now also have a Member Validation feature to further confirm that the person behind the profile is genuine.

If you've met another Adult Match Maker member face to face or know them personally, then you can let other members know they're real by writing a validation for them.

To maintain the integrity of the process only members who are Profile Verified or members who have upgraded their membership are able to post a validation.

To access the feature, go to the member’s profile and click the Add Validation button. Your validation is submitted and reviewed by both Support and the member before it displays on their profile.

Learn more about the Member Validations by visiting our Help Centre.

Learn more about our Commitment to Genuine Profiles.