Holly Hill
Holly Hill


Holly Hill lives by her motto “Never trust an unpromiscuous sex writer”. Her phrase “negotiated infidelity’ has become the buzz phrase of a new age philosophy where sexual urges require honest conversations rather than cold showers. Holly’s books Sugarbabe and Toyboy received massive media exposure especially in July 2010 when Sugarbabe was released in the US. Holly has appeared on Larry King Live, Fox News, CNN, National Geographic “Taboo,” 60 Minutes and Dr.Phil. On a professional level Holly has a BA in psychology and has received critical acclaim for her novels. Holly lives in Sydney and regularly attends swinger, fetish and adult club nights. Holly and her partners actively practice negotiated infidelity, which means seeing other people within a strict set of rules.

Articles by Holly Hill

Men Are Not Machines

Men Are Not Machines

We all strive towards equality in our relationships and yet double standards are rife among the best of them. We all know that men have sex on the brain but a man who says ‘no’ can often be met with frank disbelief or even ridicule.

Every Penis has an Arsehole

Every Penis has an Arsehole

Once regarded as the last bastion of gay men, male arseholes are making a comeback. I have it on very good authority that prostate stimulation feels like ‘a long, continuous orgasm’ and is on par with – if not better – than ejaculation.

How to Captivate a Man Forever

How to Captivate a Man Forever

Unfortunately for women, most research suggests that men are not naturally monogamous. In fact, unless they are living in a cave, one hundred percent of men are either physical or mental adulterers. Believe me – when they are

Why Relationships Never Fail

Why Relationships Never Fail

Relationships don’t fail, per se – they merely change. If we stop giving ourselves such a hard time, yesterday’s changed relationships are fundamental to the happiness of our relationships today.