Let's talk about having sex on the first date
When it comes to having sex on the first date there are positives and negatives. But to make the best decision which is right for you, we need to ignore outdated social standards and do what feels right.
How to do a Pre-Hook-Up interview
A pre-hook-up interview is a great way to ensure potential sexual partners suit you before you meet them in person. It doesn’t have to involve a clipboard! It's all about paying attention and asking the right questions.
50+ Modern Dating Relationship Terms Explained
Dating can be tough! For many singles it has become a minefield with ghosting, cushioning, mosting and stashing leaving victims wondering what they did wrong. Our guide explains 50 modern dating relationships terms you need to know.
Some people think that being single is for losers…here's why they're wrong
As singles, we often feel like the odd ones out. But after a decade of solo adventures, I’m beginning to see things differently.
My Perfect Valentine
Valentine’s Day can go either of two ways - super great, because you have someone to share the day with, or frustrating because for another year in a row, you’re single.
The Sexual Science Behind Online Dating
Online dating offers us more sex and relationship options than ever before but there are some pitfalls you need to aware of so that you attract the right partners.
A Single Gal's Guide to Surviving New Year’s Eve
New Year’s Eve – those three little words come with a whole lot of pressure when you’re a single gal. Our sassy single blogger Patricia gives you the run down on how to survive NYE.
7 New Sex & Relationship Terms You Need to Know
There’s no escape from the proliferation of handheld electronic devices as we live in the world now accustomed to words like “selfies” and “sexting”. So here are seven sex and relationship terms you need to know!
Why it's ok to Multi-Date
In this era of multi-tasking, dating is no different. Read our tips to get the most out of your multi-dating experience.
Change your approach to women and ensure you're on the menu
Find that balance when you’re approaching women. Be masculine, be strong in your sexuality – but make sure she knows what makes you so special? How is your steak better than the next guy’s?